感恩的心 -凯发娱发k8官网

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1 、大家好!

hello, everybody!

2 、我们是七年级十班的方楠、胡惠娟。

we are fang nan , hu hui juan from class ten grade seven.

3 、今天我们演讲的主题是“感恩的心”。

our speech today is “the grateful heart”.

4 、没有阳光,就没有温暖;没有水源,就没有生命;没有父母,就没有我们自己;没有亲情、友情和爱情,世界就会是一片孤独和黑暗……  

without the sunlight, it' s not warm; without water, we don't have the life. without the parents, there is no us. if no dear ones, no friendship, the world can be lonely and dark……

5 、这些都是浅显的道理,没有人会不懂,但生活中的我们在理所当然地享受着这一切的同时,却常常缺少了一颗感恩的心。

these all are simple truths,nobody cannot understand,but while we enjoy these all naturally,frequently we have actually lacked the heart which feels grateful.

6 、太阳用他温暖的阳关滋养着花儿,花儿用它芬芳的气息来感谢阳光;雨露用它柔软的肌肤滋润着小草,小草用他的勃勃生机来感谢雨露……

the sun is nourishing the flower with his warm sunlight,the flower thanks the sunlight with its fragrant breath.;the rain and dew moistens the grass with its soft flesh,the gradd is thanking the rain and dew with his full of vitality……

7 、这是一个真实的事例,一个小女孩在家因和母亲吵架而赌气离家出走,身无分文的她来到了一家拉面馆,面馆的老板看孩子饿肚子的样子很心疼,于是免费给孩子下了一碗面

 this is a real story ,a little girl quarreled with her mother and went out in a hurry spitefully,when she arrived at a noodle house,with an empty stomach,the boss loved her dearly and therefore give her a bowl of noodle free.

8 、孩子狼吞虎咽的吃下面,感动的热泪盈眶,竟给老板跪下来,老板很生气的说:外人对你的小恩小惠你牢记在心,那你母亲对你的大恩大德呢?

 after the child swallowed the noodle,she knelt to the boss unexpectedly with hot tears in her eyes.the boss was angry very much saying:you keep firmly in mind these petty favors,then what about your mother’s great love for you?

9 、孩子心中激起一阵暖流:我得回家看妈妈,这时,只见妈妈焦急的站在楼梯道上,于是这对母女互相拥上,泪流满面。

  in the child heart arouses a warm current:i must go home to see my mother. unexpectedly ,she saw her mother standing beside the stair anxiously.the mother and daughter hugged each other firmly with tears streaming down the face.

10 、作为中学生的我们,是否懂得感恩呢?当父母一遍遍叮嘱的时候,我们嫌烦;当老师呕心沥血的为我们批改作业、备课上课的时候,我们却不领情,上课的听讲,践踏老师的劳动成果;当家长教育我们的时候,我们仍然改不了坏毛病,甚至上网吧、抽烟。

  as middle-school students,whether do you feel grateful or not?when the parents urge repeatedly ,we dislike bothersome;when our teachers work wholeheartedly to correct students’papers ,prepare lessons,we actually do not appreciate their kindness,we do not listen carefully,trample their work achievement; we still could not change the bad manners ,even go to the  internet bar and smoke.

11 、他们为我们付出了这么多,只有一些同学懂得感恩;还有一些只是口的巨人,行的矮子,一次次说自己要改邪归正,不辜负老师家长的期望,几天过去就像什么都没发生;还有一些人认为说一声谢谢就是做作,根本就没有感恩帮助过自己人的念头,认为这样是“酷”,而这所谓的“酷”,让同学厌恶,让老师费解,让家长心寒。

   they have paid so much for us, only some schoolmates know to be grateful; some are only the words giant, the actions dwarf, they promise to be a new leaf,not to make the teachers disappointed, but several days passed, nothing has changed. also some people think a thank-you is just artificial, no feeling of to be grateful to those who ever helped them at all. they thought this is “cool”,but this so-called “cool”,make the schoolmates loathe. teachers can't understand. parents feel sad.

12 、同学们行动起来吧,让我们怀有一颗感恩的心,去感恩身边的人,哪怕是在母亲节的时候,送给妈妈一束康乃馨;哪怕是在教师节的时候,给老师准备一份礼物;只要从生活的一点一滴做起,你会发现身边的人将会更加尊重你

schoolmates. let's go into action, let us harbor the heart which feels grateful, let's feel grateful to people around us, even if on mother's day time, give the mother bunch of carnations; even if on teachers’ day time, prepare a gift for the teacher; so long as start bit by bit, you can discover people around you will be able even more to respect you.

13 、懂得感恩,才会懂得付出,才会懂得回报。有人说善良的本质就是有一颗感恩的心,有人说一个人如果有了感恩的心,他就是一个幸福的人,对别人的帮助,哪怕是一点、一滴,我们都应当怀感恩之心。学会感恩,懂得感恩应当成为每个人的美德

only when you know thanksgiving, can you know pay and repay. some people say thanksgiving is the good essence. some people say if you know thanksgiving, you must be happy. you should be grateful to others, even though he or she gives you a little help. thanksgiving must become each person's moral excellence.

14 、我们的演讲到此结束,谢谢大家

that's all of our speech, thank you!

