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(w yt�s-n ��op��gn t͋�t�n͋�v�n�s�s�[��n�s0 ���op��v t͋b�n͋�shql�͋0 �[��n�s>e(whql�͋�vtb�zp�[�0 ޏ�chql�͋n�[��n�s�v�ssq�|͋0 �x?m?k�?n� ��sq�|͋�vr{|�1 �: � (�$��� ���sq�|͋�vr{|�2 ���� � �� hql�͋/fir� ���1 n,�(usq�|�n͋which / that ��s�nbc0 2 which /that �y�g(w�n�s-n\o;n� � n��weu0 3 which /that �y�g(w�n�s-n\o�[� �8^�sweu0 4 �n n�q�y�`�q ��s��(uthat , n��(uwhich. �nt$$�~  � ��(� ��2 s_hql�͋��b_�[͋�vgؚ�~�op��e eg this is the most interesting story that i can find in the book. s_hql�͋���^pe͋�op��e � eg we all like the second lesson that is about food.���ve�v �v7�v33� �3�%  �3��hb 4� ��(� ��^3 s_hql�͋��the only/ the same/the very�op��e eg it is the very house that i m looking for. 4 s_hql�͋�� n�[�n͋�op��e ��y:all, no, any, every, little, many, much eg here is all the money that i have. 5 s_hql�͋,g��1\/f n�[�n͋�e ��y�something, everything, anything, much, little, none eg here is something that i want to tell you. ��0�3��3�    �3� 7  �3���1))4.� ��(� ���6 s_hql�͋-n�e g�n�s gir�e eg look at the boy and his dog that are crossing the road. 7 s_hql�͋:none�e eg is it the one that you need?�\��3�! �3��ra!�"�� hql�͋/f�n� ��h1 n,�(usq�|�n͋who /whom/that 2 whon,�(w�n�s-n\o;n� 3 whom(w�n�s-n\o�[� ��s�nweu0 this is the man __________ has taught me english. the young man __________you want to see has come.��z��> g� ��whose �(��� n��hql�͋/f�nbir ��y�gsq�|͋(w�n�s-n\o�[� ��^(uwhose_�[0 the book whose cover is red is boring. she is the girl whose father is a policeman. �f"'1 )�,w���where �(����y�ghql�͋/fh�0w�p�v t͋ �nsq�|͋(w�n�s-n\o0w�p�r� �(usq�|or͋where_�[0 this is the house _____ i lived four years ago. �la:s r� this is the house __________ i lived in four years ago. this is the house in ______ i lived four years ago.�>�;m�6 0m�&!��-n����c�� ��1) sorry, we don t have the coat ___ you need. a what b who c whom d which (09t^�ls �������)#�� ���2) i don t know the teacher ____ is talking with miss wang. a what b whom c which d who (09t^�mzs �������#�� ��|3) the whole world is fighting against the h1n1,a disease ____ has caused many deaths. a who b which c whom d what (09t^�~tq ������� %�� ��n4) i like the teacher ____ classes are very interesting and creative. a which b who c what d whose (09t^pq�] �������("�� ��� 5 --- is everything ____ we need to do _____? ---yes, you needn t worry about it. a which, has done b which, doing c that, has done d that, done (09t^&��] �������*$�� ���6 --- do you know _____ the man with sunglasses is? --- i m not sure. maybe a report. a who b what c where d how (09t^_l� �������$�� ���7) ten months has passed, but chinese people still remember those exciting days ____ they spent during the beijing 2008 olympic games. a that b who c when (09t^�t\�n^ �������,&�� ��08) all the children like the teachers____ can understand them. a what b which c who d whose (09t^ym_lvn�] �������-'�� ���9 � disney is an amusement park ___ you can find all the normal attractions and disney movies and characters. a which b where c that d when (09t^�~3� �����$���� have a try! � (���1 do you know the young lady ___ your mother is talking? a who b whom c with whom d which 2 this is the room in ____ max lived. a where b which c that d what���9�3��3� �3��3�0�3� �3� �3��3����(� ���3 would you like to give me the book ____ cover is white? a that b who c whose d which 4 mary is one of the most important people who _____ in the company. a work b works c worked d is worked ������(� ��� 5---have you found the information about famous people____ you can use for the report? --- not yet. i  ll search some on the internet. a which b who c what d whom��z��"i\�% �� homework � (��`1 to review the notes 2 to do some consolidation exercise in the ew �aa��� �� thank you!�  ,����� 0`� ���'>��������3��`� f������q����3��_�`� ���#���9�����3�u;�`� ��`;���9����3�u;�`� 3f����f����������3���f`� �������3f�������������>��?" dd@�����,����?" dd�@�����  � $�@�"�`� � �n��?" d�d@�����   @@``��p�r    @ ` �`� p�>��> ����� �������( � �����t � ��  �� ��"�������� �@ �� 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